Missouri Johnson 

Planning and Zoning

Zoning Info for Johnson County, Missouri


At this time, Johnson County, Missouri, does not have planning and zoning regulations, building codes, inspections, or occupancy certificates for unincorporated areas, except for properties located within the Whiteman Air Force Base Zoning Area. For more information about this zoning area, call 660-463-7934 or visit the Military Airport Zoning Commission website.


Subdivision: Properties in unincorporated Johnson County located within subdivisions may be subject to restrictions and covenants governing property use. To obtain a copy of these restrictions and covenants, contact the Johnson County Recorder at 660-747-6811.


Zoning Inside Incorporated City Limits: City zoning ordinances may apply; contact the respective city hall: Centerview 660-656-3688, Chilhowee 660-678-3738, Holden 816-732-4811, Kingsville 816-597-0182, Knob Noster 660-563-2595, Leeton 660-653-4622, Warrensburg 660-747-9131


Addressing and Road Number/Name Assignments: Contact the respective city hall for address and road name assignment the property is within a city limit. If the property is in the unincorporated area of Johnson County, the address and road number is assigned by the Johnson County Assessor’s Office (1310 S. Maguire St. Warrensburg | 660-747-9822).


Flood Plain: State and federal regulations apply to building in flood plains. Flood plain maps and construction permits for flood hazard areas are available at the Assessor's Office (660-747-9822).


Onsite Wastewater Treatment System: Federal, state, and local regulations exist for onsite wastewater systems, which affect various areas of construction including swimming pools, lot size consideration, various setback distances, etc. For details, contact the Johnson County Community Health Services – Environmental Health at 660-747-6121 ext. 258.


Driveway: For driveways connecting to a county road, review the specifications and complete an application by visiting the Road and Bridge Department website or calling 660-747-6821. For connections to a state highway, contact Missouri Department of Transportation (660-543-7936).


County Right of Way: If construction includes working within 30 feet of the center of a county road or trail, visit or contact the Commissioners (660-747-2112) for right of way procedures and application.







No Planning and Zoning Regulations signed by The Johnson County Commission.

Click above for a signed document of the NO Planning and Zoning

"Democracy is the government of the people, by the people for the people." 
 Abraham Lincoln