Elected Officials
Aerial maps, exemption tax,
personal and real property
valuations, plat books
Central purchasing, accounts
payable, maintains general
ledger for county
Property tax payments, County
Merchant's License, tax receipts
Road and bridge maintenance,
courthouse maintenance, budget
Planning and Zoning
Elections, voter registration, bids, liquor license,
auctioneer license, Fictitious Name application,
genealogy, county maps, MO sales tax ID
Prosecutes criminal cases,represents Johnson
County in all legal matters
Guardianship/conservator ship duties,
representative for decedents where no will was
Marriage license, deeds, legal descriptions,
income and sales tax liens, military discharge,
miscellaneous records
Receipting, disbursing and investing funds for
the county, records for grants and
reimbursements held by Johnson County
Other Offices
Emergency Services, disaster planning,
floodplain management
Employment policies, employee
applications, employee benefits,
job descriptions, personnel records
County road repair, and bridge repair as
specified by County Commissioners.
See our contact details and location.
Application for Employment
County of Johnson
Current Job Openings
Road and Bridge Concerns Form
Federal Links
US House of Representatives
US Senators
State Links
Secretary of State Website
MO House of Representatives
Missouri Senators
Voter Outreach Program
Missouri Association of Counties
Missouri Dept. of Conservation
Community LInks
Care Connection Serv. for Aging
Johnson Co. Community Health
Johnson County United Way
Mil. Airport Zoning Commission
JOCO Economic Development
Johnson Co. Water District Map
If you would like to register to vote in Johnson County, you may do so by completing the Missouri Voter Registration Application.
You may register in person, or get a mail-in application at the Johnson County Clerk's Office.
Online registration is currently unavailable.
For information on additional locations that provide applications, Click Here or contact the Johnson County Voters Registration Office at (660) 747-7414. If you would like to register to vote in any other county in Missouri, Click Here!
For any voter questions or election related correspondence contact election@jocomo.gov
To be eligible to register to vote you must:
You may vote an absentee ballot by mail or in person at the Johnson County Clerk’s Office starting six weeks before Election Day if one of the following applies:
Vote an Absentee Ballot in person:
Absentee Ballots may be cast beginning 6 weeks prior to the election date. The deadline for absentee voting in the County Clerk’s Office is 5:00 PM on the day before the election. We are open at the Johnson County Courthouse Monday - Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM including thru the lunch time for absentee voting, and the Saturday before the election from 8:30 AM until 12:30 PM.
Vote an Absentee Ballot by US Mail:
Voters will use the same application for requesting either an absentee ballot (which lists a reason for voting absentee - some requiring a notary and others that don't). Absentee ballots will be sent to any eligible voter upon request, with no reason needed. However, the Absentee Ballot does require a notarization of the voter's signature on the ballot return envelope affidavit. (see additional information below)
Click Me for Absentee Request Form
Applying for an absentee ballot by mail:
You will need to request a ballot in writing, and must reapply for a new ballot before each election. If you have registered to vote by mail, proof of identification is required before an absentee ballot may be mailed to you. You can include a copy of your Driver’s License, Military ID or Passport or other ID as long as it includes a photo and a signature and this will meet the proof of identification requirement.
Absentee Ballots include a postage–paid envelope. A ballot may also be hand carried into the County Clerk’s Office until 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. Either the voter, or a relative within the second degree (parent, spouse, child, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law) may return the ballot.
Written request for an Absentee Ballot must be received in the County Clerk’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m. the second Wednesday before any election. You may download an application (click here) After completing the application return it to the County Clerk’s Office by mail or by fax at 660-747-1243. When not using an application, your request must contain the following information:
Permanently Disabled:
You and your caregiver can request to be put on a list to receive your ballots by mail. You may call our office to receive an application, which you will need to complete and return to our office. You will be placed on a list and will automatically be sent an Absentee Ballot Application before each election in which you are entitled to vote. You will then need to sign and return the application if you wish to receive your ballot for that election.
Military and Overseas Civilian:
You may request a Registration Application and Absentee Ballot Request – Federal Post Card Application from your commanding officer or download the Federal Post Card on-line at www.fvap.gov. A new request must be submitted for each election cycle. An election cycle is not necessarily one calendar year. The March Presidential Primary is one election cycle. The April General Municipal Election is another election cycle. The August Primary and November General are considered one election cycle. To vote on all ballot issues, you must be a registered voter in Johnson County.
The Affidavit Envelope does not have to be notarized for anyone requesting an absentee ballot when you are a registrant who resides outside the boundaries of the United States, or who is in active duty, or a dependent of one who is in active duty, with the armed forces of the United States.
College Students:
If you are a college student, attending school in another county or state, you are still eligible to vote on Johnson County issues. If you are unable to come to your hometown to vote at your regular polling place, it is your responsibility to request an absentee ballot.
Where can I vote in Warrensburg if I am a college student?
If you are registered to vote in Johnson County, your polling place will be listed on your voter card. If you are registered to vote in another county in Missouri, you will need to vote at that polling place or request an absentee ballot prior to the 2nd Wednesday before Election Day.
How can I vote if I’m living in another county or state, but registered in Johnson County?
You may request an absentee ballot using the instructions given in this section regarding absentee voting. The last day to request an absentee ballot is the 2nd Wednesday before each election.
How can I request an absentee ballot if I’m registered in another county/state?
You will need contact the Election Authority for the county in which you are registered regarding absentee voting.
“May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right”
~ Peter Marshall
State Rep. District Map for Johnson County, MO
Precinct Poll Name and Address
Warrensburg SE-1 Elks Lodge # 673
Montserrat 822 E Young Ave, Warrensburg
Warrensburg SE-2 Grover Park Baptist Church
Warrensburg NE Family Life Center
409 N Mitchell St, Warrensburg
Warrensburg SW First United Methodist Church
Warrensburg NW 141 E Gay St, Warrensburg
North Holden Hallar Building
South Holden 101 W. Third, Holden
Rose Hill
Knob Noster Knob Noster High School Gymnasium
Lowland 504 S Washington Ave Knob Noster
Centerview Church of Jesus Christ
Columbus Warrensburg Restoration Branch
104 NW 361, Warrensburg
Chilhowee Chilhowee Baptist Church
101 S Pennsylvania Ave, Chilhowee
Post Oak Leeton City Hall
Jefferson 108 W Summerfield, Leeton
Pittsville Elm Spring Baptist Church
569 NW 1601st Road, Kingsville
Hazel Hill Liberty Baptist Church
Simpson 85 NW 795, Warrensburg
Can I register to vote by mail?
Yes, mail-in postcard applications are available at the following locations throughout the county:
Chilhowee – Post Office
Holden – Bank of Holden, F & C Bank, Holden City Hall, Trails Regional Library
Kingsville - Post Office
Centerview – Post Office
Pittsville – Pittsville PDQ
Knob Noster – City Hall, Post Office, Trails Regional Library
Leeton – Leeton City Hall, Casey’s, Public Library, Sunflower Bank
Warrensburg – Community Health Services, Dept. of Motor Vehicle, WILS-West Central Independent Living Services,
Trails Regional Library, Water District #1
The postcards are pre-addressed. Once you have completed and signed the postcard registration application, you can mail it to the affixed address.
Voter FAQ
Who can register to vote?
In order to vote, citizens living in Missouri must register to vote. Any U.S. Citizen 17 years and 6 months of age or older, if a Missouri resident, may register in the state. The following are the only exceptions:
Is there a website to see if I am registered to vote?
Yes, the Johnson County Courthouse website is www.jococourthouse.com. Here you can locate various types of information for the entire Courthouse. On the left side of the home page there is a section called Voting Information where you can find information on the election results, register to vote, election calendar, previous election calendars, poll locations, absentee voting, and see your ballot.
The SOS website allows you to check and see if you a registered voter in the state of Missouri.
Voter Lookup
How and where can I register to vote?
Qualified citizens may register in person at the County Clerk’s Office, by mail, or at the Driver’s License Bureau. You may become registered by completing a form with identity and residence information, along with qualifications that are signed and sworn to, then witnessed by the election authority or designated deputy. You must be 18 years of age on or before the day of a particular election to be eligible to vote in that election. Missouri has no residency requirement to register, but you must be registered by the 4th Wednesday preceding an election to be eligible to vote in that election.
Can I vote at any polling place?
No, you need to vote at the polling place listed on your voter card. Ballot styles are printed based on the districts calling for an election. Voters are required to vote on the candidates and issues for the districts in which they live. If you go to another polling location you won’t be in their poll book and they won’t have the proper ballot style for you.
What if I move or change my name?
After you have registered, you usually do not need to register again even if you have not voted in the past few elections. If you are registering for the first time, need to update your address or change your name, you can go to www.jococourthouse.com and click on main menu at the top of the homepage and select “Voter Info” on the left side of the screen. Click on the link that says “Register to Vote By Mail” and complete the voter registration application. Print it off, sign and mail it to our office.
If you have forgotten to update your registration you can still vote on Election Day. Just contact our office at 660-747-7414 and we will be able to assist you with your new information.
Special Voting Provisions (Absentee Voting)
You may vote an absentee ballot by mail or in person at the Johnson County Clerk’s Office starting six weeks before Election Day if one of the following applies:
What time do the polls open on Election Day?
The Polls open at 6:00 AM and close at 7:00 PM. If there is a line that extends out the door at 7:00 PM, Those in line will be gathered into the poll location and will be allowed to vote. This allows those that were at the polls before closing at 7:00 PM will be given the chance to vote. The optimal time to visit the polls to vote depends upon the location. Early in the morning is when there is a lot of voters at the polls, also about 30 min. before close. Usually anytime during the later hours of the morning and early afternoon are less busy. This of course also depends on the Election type also. So all in all just "Get out There and Vote!!!
Johnson County Courthouse 300 N. Holden, Warrensburg, MO 64093
©2023 Johnson County Missouri Official Website.